- Temporary Displacement Grant - Please provide amount requested (up to $500). Application for Temporary Displacement Grant, and Standard and/or Catastrophic Grants may NOT be made concurrently.
Mandatory Evacuation/access prohibited by City or County/Official road closures. Road closures applies for date of loss effective January 1, 2023. (
Attachments Required: documentation showing access to primary residence prohibited by City or County as mandatory restriction for at least 5 days: declared unsafe to occupy, mandatory evacuation orders or other,
AND receipts, credit card statement or other documents, including dates, to substantiate actual loss or spending)
Start Date:
End Date:
No utilities (gas, electricity or water) for at least 5 days? This applies for date of loss effective January 1, 2023. (
Attachments: letter from the utilities provider, utility statement or other, AND receipts, credit card statement or other documents, including dates, to substantiate actual loss or spending)
Start Date:
End Date:
SHORT TERM DISPLACEMENT GRANT (For date of loss effective November 18, 2021)
- Short Term Displacement Grant - Please provide amount requested (up to $1,000).
Application for Short Term Displacement Grant and Standard and/or Catastrophic Grants may NOT be made concurrently. Members eligible for the Short Term Displacement Grant will NOT qualify for the Temporary Displacement Grant.
Mandatory Evacuation/access prohibited (
Attachments Required: documentation showing access to primary residence prohibited by City or County for at least 10 days: declared unsafe to occupy, mandatory evacuation orders or other,
AND receipts, credit card statement or other documents, including dates, to substantiate actual loss or spending)
Start Date:
End Date:
No utilities (gas, electricity or water) for at least 10 days? (
Attachments Required: letter from the utilities provider, utility statement or other,
AND receipts, credit card statement or other documents, including dates, to substantiate actual loss or spending)
Start Date:
End Date: